Vaginal Yeast Infection Remedies - Cure Your Yeast Infection Naturally

Oil of Oregano is a very effective bacterial vaginosis cure which should be taken on a daily basis. Consult the manufacturer's directions to confirm the use of this product. I found that my best relief came from oil of oregano that contained a high level of an ingredient known as carvacrol which is the ingredient directly responsible for killing the buildup of excess yeast in your body.

During the course of my own outbreaks and subsequent treatments I actually took it upon myself to write about the remedies that worked in a guide that I prepared in order to spare other women from going through the frustrations I endured with my own Candida and bacterial vaginosis. The reality is, as a woman you don't have to continue to suffer from the embarrassment and pain associated with this miserable condition.

Candida, also known as Candida Albicans, is a form of good bacteria that grows and resides within our colons. Unfortunately, when this bacteria experiences an overgrowth it results in an abundance of bacteria which turns out to not be good for the body. The result is an outbreak that can involve itchy, irritated and inflamed skin. If the yeast grows out of control within the vaginal region on a woman then a strong fishy smell may also be present.

Because Candida is actually a type or form of yeast the overgrowth can be prevented by following a diet that avoids yeast and sugar products. Many people don't realize that sugar actually provides food and fuel for yeast. You can prevent this from happening with the restriction on sweets which doesn't mean you have to give everything up, just focus on the foods that have high sugar content.


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