Do You Become a Human Vending Machine When Your Buttons Are Pushed?

People get married for many different reasons but I would love to think that most marriages are from love. When you are dating, you are both in your own separate houses, and that is why you love each other unconditionally. You cannot be aware of your loved ones bad habits. Leaving his or her staff everywhere, not caring about cleaning, cooking, or having people at his or her home all the time is something that will bother you, but only when you get married or start to live together.

Before you start to live together, all this things can be actually cute about your partner. His or her habits can look silly, naughty, or anything else but not problematic because you are in love. When you get married, you will realize that you are the one exhausting yourself with doing all the cleaning and tiding up, that you have no privacy in your own home because you have his or her friends in all the time. These are only examples and that doesn't have to be the problem if both of you are like that or that you are aware of it, agree with it and you don't expect him or her to get changed after getting married.

Making your spouse love you again is not impossible, because your spouse married you for a reason. Never be desperate and never think that there is nothing you can do - because there is always something to do when your spouse doesn't. A lot of people believe that it's not possible to save a marriage alone. Their line of thinking is, "when your spouse doesn't love you anymore and wants out of the marriage, the marriage is essentially over anyway." Today I am here to tell you that this isn't the case - or that this doesn't HAVE TO be the case. Even if your spouse wants to divorce you, there are things you can do in order to save your marriage alone. I did this and so can you.

I am sure that to save your marriage alone you have thought of a few things by yourself. You have either done them or are thinking of doing them. I know from personal experience that such ideas often center on making your spouse know how much you love them and how special they are to you. While they may work, often they don't get to be something more than a begging: "Please, I love you, don't leave me!" And this is not how you save a marriage alone, so the first thing you should do is actually to ensure that you don't go that route.


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