Peace Of Mind - 5 Secrets to Enjoy Inner Peace in Daily Life

When God speaks, can you hear him? When God has a different plan is their room on your calendar or do you have an app for that? (sorry I couldn't resist) Technology and responsibilities really have the people of God moving in many directions and we cant hear the birds, we cant hear the breeze blowing through the trees, we cant hear the cry for help in a conversation because we have ministry on our mind. It is very possible to be so busy and multi task so much that you become counter productive and when you; when we as ministers cant hear the still small voice of God, are we really doing ministry? Are we really doing service or a disservice? You can spend so much time praying, that your really stationary (and you are in the same place the devil last saw you) doing nothing, your stationary, on your knees more than on your feet, taking your ministry to where its needed, to the people.

I'm not knocking prayer or ministry, just making the point that too much of something good, can be counter productive and maybe even harmful. Unless your calling is to serve God in a temple, night and day, making intercession for people, then you are doing what God Himself commissioned you for. If you are praying all the time, when do you stop and listen to God, If your busy preaching all the time and ministering, when do you stop and be ministered to? Every teacher needs a teacher, preacher needs a preacher and ever minister needs to be ministered to. If you have a problem with your work environment - say, with a co-worker, a boss, or perhaps a difficult project - you are not alone. People experience problems on a daily basis at work, ranging from simple matters to complex situations involving people that can be incredibly stressful. This stress is harmful to your health, which means resolving these situations is a priority. A medium can actually help you clear up such a situation in your work world through careful insight.

A medium is a person with special spiritual gifts of communication and connection with the spiritual world, a connection that gives the medium special insight into what most other people do not see or detect or understand. This insight can range from relatively-simple visions to more complicated communications with spirits in another plane of existence. In all cases, the medium's talent of communication and channeling can help you with problems you have at work.

Imagine that you have a problem with a co-worker. There may be a misunderstanding between you two - or he or she may be purposely interfering with you and causing this strife. By visiting a medium, you can discover the truth of the situation and gain valuable insight into what is occurring to cause this disruption in your life. If there's a misunderstanding, for example, a medium could reveal to you the nature of this misunderstanding. It is likely that neither you nor your co-worker were aware of the true nature of the misunderstanding.


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