How Can You View The World By Positive Power?

From time to time everyone hits either a real winning streak or a real slump in their life. Life is about ups and downs. It is not a consistent upward rise to the top of the mountain nor is it a steady decline to the pits. It is give and take, winning and losing and acceptance of life either way. Now don't get me wrong I am not implying that you should accept losing as a way of life and give up. I am suggesting however that when you lose, if you did your best, you won't win them all. It's not that kind of world. Raising the bar means just that: raising your self-expectations higher. People tend to get into ruts of performance. They accept their: $50,000 job, 50 million dollar business, being No two, the inevitable loss of some kind, or retirement from anywhere between 45 and 65 years of age.

I say: no way. I can change the status quo, achieve more, become better, decide to do more with less, pour it on and I can raise my personal bar to any position I choose. If do not cross the bar, it doesn't matter. Life is not about crossing the bar, it is about the thrill, joy and pleasure in trying to cross the bar. There is a distinct difference here, one that I want to ensure you understand. Having goals is important, but working toward goals is more important. Have you ever confided to a friend or family member about your ambitions or desires only to have them shoot you down in flames? It hurts when it happens doesn't it? After all, these are the people you care about and are suppose to care about and support you in the pursuit of your dreams, desires and ambitions no matter what. Right?

It happens and don't think you're the only one it happens to. But there's a solution and the solution is to run. Run the other way and don't look back. You don't need that negativity in your life. You deserve better and you know it. That might sound a bit harsh but it's not. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with the people you currently surround yourself with. It's just that to get to the next level in your life, whatever that may be, you need to surround yourself with like minded people that are already at the level where you want to be and can take you there.

To understand this I'll use an analogy from the sports world. Suppose you want to become a better tennis player. To get a lot better at the game are you going to play against your buddies who are probably worse, the same or maybe just a little better than you at tennis? Or, are you going to play with a tennis pro that can really challenge and stretch you, kick your butt and take you to the next level? The game of life is no different. If you want to get to that next level then you need to surround yourself with individuals that can help take you there. You want to be around people that are vibrating at a higher level than you. The next question you have should have is "how do I do that?" It's a good question.


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