The 10-Ups of Success For Today's Youth

Persistent pursuit of goals and dreams creates a powerful sense of living unmatched by anything else. Persistence becomes a life force that creates self confidence for those who execute the power of persistence on a daily basis. In a world where the strong survive, persistence equals the playing field and gives the edge to those who apply its power.

To be successful you first need to decide what exactly success means to you. Once you determine and define what success means and get clear about what you want, write it down, and start thinking big, you will begin to experience the success you want. You have to believe that you can make it happen, you have the right stuff, and that you are able to pull it off. This belief is a deep belief that you have the resources, the abilities, skills, talents and whatever else it takes to create the results you desire.

There are three important keys beliefs for staying on track while creating the life that you dream of. Key number one is to stay in control of your self talk. It is said that a person thinks thousands upon thousands of thoughts in any given day. Unfortunately, many of those thoughts are negative and unsupported. Many of these thoughts begin with...I'm not, I'll never, It doesn't matter, nothing works, and the list goes on. Play the victim actually keeps you in victim state of mind and lulls you into the belief that you are not competent or loved. To give up the victim mode you have to start telling yourself that you are a winner! Begin your self talk with...I can, I am, I know, and I will. This positive talk will guide and keep you on your road to success. Get rid of any negative and unsupported beliefs and continually maintain a positive self talk and expect positive results.

Key number two is to always use Affirmations that build self confidence. These go hand in hand with your self talk. Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves that will become a natural part of your life. This is a powerful tool and will crowd out negative thoughts as they try to creep back in and replace them in your subconscious mind with a positive foundation of beliefs that support you in your success.


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