The Relationship of Eczema and Diet

The skin can get really shiny, sticky and oily because of the overproduction of sebum or oil by the oil glands. This happens due to a myriad of factors, chief among them your hormones. During puberty the skin tends to become more oily and acne-prone. This happens because at this time your body produces more hormones called androgens.

These increase the oil production of your oil glands. As you age, your body tends to produce less androgens, and consequently, less oil and blemishes on your skin. Some people, however, are more predisposed to having oily skin even in adulthood, especially if they have parents with a similar condition. Hormonal changes during adulthood can also cause the appearance of more oil on your skin. This happens if you take steroids, get pregnant, are about to menstruate, or are experiencing menopause. Although some say that diet may also cause oily skin, no conclusive research or scientific consensus exists on the subject.

The best way to manage oily skin and keep it blemish-free is to keep it clean free from acne-causing bacteria.  Wash your face two to three times a day using hot water and soap - hot water can dissolve oil better than lukewarm or cold water. Be careful not to wash your face too much, as it can cause your skin to become dry and produce more oil to compensate.

You also have to choose your cleanser wisely: use oil-based products that dissolve oil more effectively, and try using pure solutions with no artificial additives. You can also try antibacterial cleansers or lightly medicated soap. Steer away from heavy cleansing creams and alcohol-containing cleansers and toners. When cleansing the skin, massage it with your fingertips, being careful to not excessively scrub or rub soap into the skin as it can clog pores. You can use a mild astringent afterward to clear pores - acetone is known to be good in dissolving oil. You can then use a natural oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin supple.


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